Management tool for PostgreSQL

Edit Package pgadmin4

pgAdmin 4 is a rewrite of the popular pgAdmin3 management tool for the PostgreSQL
( database.
pgAdmin 4 is written as a web application in Python, using jQuery and Bootstrap
for the client side processing and UI. On the server side, Flask is being utilised.

Although developed using web technologies, we intend for pgAdmin 4 to be usable
either on a web server using a browser, or standalone on a workstation. The
runtime/ subdirectory contains a QT based runtime application intended to allow
this - it is essentially a browser and Python interpretor in one package which
will be capable of hosting the Python application and presenting it to the user
as a desktop application.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
README.SUSE 0000001898 1.85 KB 0000000411 411 Bytes
_service 0000000236 236 Bytes
fix-eventlet-select_epoll.patch 0000004998 4.88 KB
fix-python3-crypto-call.patch 0000002637 2.58 KB
make-cloud-packages-optional.patch 0000001089 1.06 KB
node_modules.obscpio 0091509008 87.3 MB 0000186277 182 KB
optipng 0000000881 881 Bytes
package-lock.json 0000897342 876 KB
package_deps.patch 0000000814 814 Bytes
package_git_local.patch 0000000896 896 Bytes
pgadmin-user.conf 0000000112 112 Bytes
pgadmin4-8.5.tar.gz 0035758481 34.1 MB
pgadmin4-8.5.tar.gz.asc 0000000833 833 Bytes
pgadmin4-desktop 0000004750 4.64 KB
pgadmin4.changes 0000109824 107 KB 0000000742 742 Bytes
pgadmin4.desktop 0000000255 255 Bytes
pgadmin4.keyring 0000003167 3.09 KB 0000000823 823 Bytes
pgadmin4.spec 0000020491 20 KB
pgadmin4.tmpfiles.d 0000000039 39 Bytes 0000000266 266 Bytes
support-new-azure-mgmt-rdbms.patch 0000000970 970 Bytes 0000000806 806 Bytes
use-os-makedirs.patch 0000000693 693 Bytes
Latest Revision
Samu Voutilainen's avatar Samu Voutilainen (Smar) committed (revision 1)
osc copypac from package:pgadmin4 revision:4
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