IBM Z Protected-key Crypto library

Edit Package libzpc

The IBM Z Protected-key Crypto library libzpc is an open-source library targeting the 64-bit Linux on IBM Z (s390x) platform. It provides interfaces for cryptographic primitives. The underlying implementations make use of z/Architecture's extensive performance-boosting hardware support and its protected-key feature which ensures that key material is never present in main memory at any time.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
libzpc-1.1.0.tar.gz 0000133694 131 KB
libzpc.changes 0000001552 1.52 KB
libzpc.spec 0000002528 2.47 KB
Latest Revision
Samu Voutilainen's avatar Samu Voutilainen (Smar) committed (revision 1)
osc copypac from package:libzpc revision:2
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