Hardware Locality (hwloc)

Edit Package hwloc

The Hardware Locality (hwloc) software project aims at easing the process of
discovering hardware resources in parallel architectures. It offers
command-line tools and a C API for consulting these resources, their locality,
attributes, and interconnection. hwloc primarily aims at helping
high-performance computing (HPC) applications, but is also applicable to any
project seeking to exploit code and/or data locality on modern computing

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
_service 0000000131 131 Bytes
core-levelzero-Set-ZES_ENABLE_SYSMAN-via-setenv-instead-of-putenv.patch 0000003872 3.78 KB
hwloc-2.5.0.tar.bz2 0006688349 6.38 MB
hwloc.changes 0000045130 44.1 KB
hwloc.spec 0000005695 5.56 KB
Revision 1 (latest revision is 2)
Samu Voutilainen's avatar Samu Voutilainen (Smar) committed (revision 1)
osc copypac from project:openSUSE.org:SUSE:SLE-15-SP5:GA package:hwloc revision:2
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